
Seeking to find new meaning in life...

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Voices in our heads

Again, the devil took Jesus to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. "All this I will give you," he said, "if you will bow down and worship me."

I'm starting to notice a scary trend in churches today. I'm starting to see something happen in church leadership that so far are just the sounds of distant gunfire and cannon blasts, but are quite possibly going to turn into a full fledged war in your backyard. This battle is starting to take shape between generations of leaders. Between Pastors that have "earned" their positions through years of disciplined study (degrees), years of toiling in lesser ministry positions, and years of serving in smaller churches - and a younger generation of Pastors, or leaders, that haven't "paid their dues", earned their degrees, or worked their way up from the bottom of pastoral jobs.

What I see happening all over the country is a generation of pastors that are unwilling to change their style or content to reach a changing culture, and as a result, the people are longing for a communicator and leader that is relevant to the culture. This person is typically, though not always, younger, greener, and more brash in his spirituality. Passionate and desperate in his relationship with God. Conversational, dynamic, and relational in his speaking. The "senior" pastor is preaching the way he always has, doing what he was taught in seminary, or how he was mentored by another older pastor. He sees a change in style as a compromise and as watering down the gospel for the masses. He is unwilling to change and therefore digs in his heels and remains steadfast in his methods.

All is well until the young buck gets his chance to preach and unleashes a message of passion and zeal that has been repressed in his heart week after week. He has been longing for his moment to "set people free" from the oppression that is perceived to be keeping the church from freely pursuing and worshipping God.

Good things happen initially. His style is thought of as "fresh", or "different", or "passionate". A different wind begins to blow into the minds of some of the more aggressive church leaders. The people and leaders are very free with their words of "encouragement" - which at first make the young pastor uncomfortable, but soon he finds himself craving these words of affirmation. Suddenly the "young people" of the church are excited about Sunday morning again. Parents are ecstatic.

Now, firmly planted in the head of this young pastor are statements like, "You should preach every Sunday". Or "You are the only pastor in this church anointed by God to preach." Suddenly, his current ministry assignment is intolerable. The next year is unbearable. He can't stop thinking about those moments when he was speaking to the entire church. To all generations.

When Jesus was tempted by the enemy, it was really about taking the easy way out. The enemy knew that Jesus was preparing to begin the impossible work of teaching, loving, serving, and living in a new way. He was to live and die for three years in a way that has never been duplicated - before or since. There were going to be struggles. Hardships. Tough lessons. Great joys. Betrayals. Humiliations. And ultimately a gruesome execution. But through all of that pain - there would emerge beauty. Through the betrayals would emerge loyalty to death. Through the humiliations would emerge eternal glory. All of these stages had to be traversed through in order to accomplish God's mind blowing plan of love and redemption for all mankind.

But Jesus was offered a way around that. Instead of being the king of a kingdom of martyrs, servants, and outlaws, He was offered a real kingdom. Wealth, prestige, majesty, women, honor in the eyes of the world. He could sidestep all of the heartache and pain that would earn him an intangible invisible kingdom of love, and He could have an earthly kingdom right here and now.

The enemy knows the weakness of humanity. Pride. Entitlement. Self-importantance. The offer is to forget about the humble path - and take the easy way. You deserve it! People love you! They respond to YOU. YOU are what is causing this revival. YOU need to be given the head position. LET'S MAKE IT HAPPEN!

Now a movement is afoot. Plans are put in motion to make this young pastor into THE PASTOR. He goes along with it because he feels that it isn't for him, but for the people of the church. He wants to set them free.

The problem in this all too common tale is that God is forgotten in all of this. Jesus' response to the enemy's offer was "Worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only." Satan wasn't asking Jesus to become a devil-worshipper. To go to Marilyn Manson concerts or sacrifice virgins. He was just asking Him to choose the path of pride. The path of least resistence. The path of going around God.

Remember Abraham and Sarah? They took the easy way out and the world is still paying the price to this day! God allows us to go through humbling times and learning times to give us what we need to live for the kingdom when all we have left is Him. When we are alone - and it seems that even He has forsaken us. To know that we are living and serving and striving for God alone.

How does the story end? My story isn't over yet... But round one ended badly. Very painful and messy. A lot of hurt, confusion, and bitterness. What about the rest of them? The young pastor bucking hard against the system. Will he stay and listen to the voice of God and then move in the direction He leads? Or will he believe his own hype. Will he take the kingdom that is being offered to him?

Thank you God for allowing me to go through this experience... I know that I made mistakes - I know that I got in over my head... Thank you for giving me love and peace that washes over me when I feel dry and broken.

God - I pray for your church. I know the enemy wants to pit generations against each other. I don't know an easy solution. I know I've been part of the problem. I pray that you would speak to our leaders, pastors, teachers, moms, dads, children, prophets, healers, and janitors - and that you would guide us all as we seek to heal and unite as your bride.

That our heart would beat in the rhythm of Jesus. To love You and the world. And to be willing to die for it.



At 11:39 AM, Blogger Jamie said...

So the question raging in my mind is this...What is the balance? What is the balance between fighting for the hearts of people inside the walls of the church & protecting the unity of the body? I have been looking for that balance for four or five years now?

At 11:40 AM, Blogger Consumed Ministries said...

Sometimes voices are so hard to distinguish. In situations like you describe, there are people on every side of the equation who declare their hearing of the voice of God. And who are we to say which person was, or is right?? It's not ours to decide. It's ours to passionately respond to the passionate pursuit of God's love. And the compelling of God's love in your life is obviously pushing you to pour yourself into others and to lead. And who knows...maybe your situation WAS supposed to play out the way it was originally planned. But, maybe it wasn't. I don't know. I think of Daniel, and how the angel who came to him apologized for being 3 weeks late due to being detained. A detainment that one can assume was related to the spiritual battle that is fought in the unseen world around us. And if that battle can detain even angels, who's to say it can't contain us? Maybe you were detained my friend. The great thing is that I connect with your attitude in this blog. Humility. Wisdom. Understanding. Still bold. God still has purposes for you, and they haven't changed. It's not like he messed up or made a mistake in your life. Psalm 138:8 - "The Lord will fulfill His purposes for you..." Continue to recognize the false kingdoms offered you, and recklessly pursue God's voice in your life to build His kingdom. You have the love and prayers of friends to support you, the power of God to carry and sustain you, and the knowledge that with God, there is no such thing as risk when pursuing His vision and call. I realize this doesn't directly flow from your blog....but it's what poured out of my finger tips. Sorry!


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